Untitled Document


This page contains a set of downloadable publications, some of which are solely available from this site. We are working to provide these publications with DOIs, to ease citation

Included are:

Cruciferae Newsletter


Since Jan 2007, the online edition of the Cruciferae Newsletter is published in electronic format, and has been available from this page.

Editors: Anne-Marie Chevre, Asma Allée, Maria Manzanares-Dauleux, Nathalie Nesi

Archive Issues of Cruciferae Newsletter (scanned)

Colleagues at INRA, Rennes have also started the process of scanning previous issues, and these will appear here as an electronic archive, for the benefit of the research community.

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Submitting an article

Instructions to authors can be downloaded here in pdf pdf or word word format.

Please send your contribution by email.

Cruciferae Trait Genetics - compendium publication

download here

Guide to Wild Germplasm - Brassica and allied crops (tribe Brassiceae, Brassicaceae)

Warwick1 S.I., Francis1 A. and Gugel2 R.K. (2009)

1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Eastern Cereal and Oilseeds Research Centre, K.W. Neatby Bldg., Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0C6
Contact: Suzanne.Warwick@AGR.GC.CA
2AAFC, Saskatoon Research Centre, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0X2

Edition 3 of the Guide has been divided into 5 separate pdf pdf files which can be downloaded and printed separately

pdf Downloads


PART I: Taxonomic Checklist and Life History, Ecological, and Geographical Data pdf

PART II: Chromosome Numbers pdf

PART III: Interspecific and Intergeneric Hybridization Data pdf

PART IV: Wild Crucifer Species as Sources of Agronomic Traits pdf