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Disseminating information amongst Brassica researchers worldwide

The brassica.info mailing list is managed from University of Western Australia for the benefit of the Brassica research community worldwide. The aim of the list is to underpin common research requirements in generating and exploiting public-domain Brassica genetic and genomic resources and information, as well as exchange of information relating to more general aspects of Brassica crops, science and R&D.

Join here

You are invited to become a member of the mailing list. To do so, please send an email to the following address dave.edwards@uwa.edu.au, including the word "subscribe Brassica.info" in the email header.

To post to the list send an email to: dave.edwards@uwa.edu.au, including the text "message Brassica.info" in the email header.

List admin

Please send any enquiries to dave.edwards@uwa.edu.au The list is currently maintained by Dave Edwards at University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.